Oleg I. Palmov, PhD.
Associate Professor, Department of Mental Health and Early Childhood Intervention, Faculty of Psychology, Saint-Petersburg State University.
His expertise is focused on young children and families, children with severe mental and physical disabilities, institutionalized children and their early social-emotional experience and caregiving environment. His specific interests are in the areas of reforming institutions for young children, caregiver training and supervision, orphanage care and early intervention. for more than 10 years he has been promoting the Pikler Pedagogical Approach through academic courses in university and post-graduate training programs for orphanage caregivers. Dr. Palmov participated in unique international research projects examining the orphanages in the Russian Federation. He is an author of publications in the areas of improved interventions in orphanages, applied developmental psychology, and early childhood intervention.
Előadás / Presentation:
Pikler Approach in Russia: Practice, Research, Perspectives
This presentation will discuss the experience in using the Pikler Approach to improve caregiving in orphanages (baby homes) for infants and young children, its results and challenges. We will also present the positive outcomes of Pikler focused caregiver training for children 4-18 years old with severe developmental disabilities in specialized orphanages. Perspectives of further dissemination and application of Pikler Approach in Russia will be considered in relation to early childhood intervention and mental health services for children and families.